The Arts Council of York County has made the difficult decision to postpone the 2020 Underexposed Film Festival yc (UFFyc) in response to concerns surrounding COVID-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus). All screenings, workshops, and events affiliated with the 2020 UFFyc, scheduled to take place at Winthrop University and at the York County Public Library’s Main Branch from March 25 – 28, have been postponed. As a university-sponsored event, the UFFyc falls under Winthrop’s directive to cancel all events scheduled between Sunday, March 15 and Friday, April 3. The Arts Council of York County is working with Winthrop, the York County Library, and community partners to reschedule the 2020 UFFyc by moving it to the fall. The new dates will be announced in the coming days.
The well-being of its staff, patrons, and the public are the Arts Council’s top priority. Cancellations and postponements are precautionary measures taken to minimize exposure. By activating social distancing, the Arts Council removes one more opportunity for people in the community to be exposed. The ACYC is monitoring communications from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and South Carolina's Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC) regarding COVID-19. Moving forward, the ACYC will be making determinations regarding scheduled events as new information and recommendations are issued by the advising healthcare organizations.
Please check the Arts Council’s Facebook pages (@yorkcountyarts and @uffyc) and websites (yorkcountyarts.org and underexposedfilmfestivalyc.org) for the most recent updates regarding scheduled events.